

女孩的情歌,Maddie Zahm(麦迪·扎姆)发布了最新单曲《Eightball Girl》黑八女孩【308202】

女孩的情歌,Maddie Zahm(麦迪·扎姆)发布了发布了最新单曲《Eightball Girl》黑八女孩,这是Maddie Zahm的第一首关于女孩的情歌。带上耳机欣赏吧

这是Maddie Zahm的第一首关于女孩的情歌。“除了我,你对一切都是黑白分明的,”Maddie Zahm在《Eightball Girl》中对着她神秘的情人唱道。 每个人都能体会到跳入新的、令人恐惧的领域的感觉,在这位冉冉升起的流行艺术家的这首歌曲中,所涉及的领域涉及第一次向另一个女孩坦白她的浪漫感情。 这是一首充满活力和乐观的歌曲,合唱团的背景人声为这首歌及其朴实的公共音乐视频增添了庆祝的品质。 Zahm的低音区充满活力,沙哑而饱满,《Eightball Girl》同样展示了她的歌曲创作和表达能力。



Called you a Swiss Army Knife 
Cause your small and your useful and beautiful 
Didn’t think I’d have a thing for red heads 
You said you liked my hair in handfuls 

You’re black and white ‘bout everything but me 
So tell me, dynamite, what’s it gonna be? 

Eightball girl 
Tell me how you feel about me 
Shake it up 
Eightball girl 
Making up your mind without me 
It’s a yes or no or maybe but just please don’t make me guess
Do you love me? Is it hazy? Do the signs all point to yes? 
Eightball girl 
Tell me how you feel about me 

While the boys at the bar are buyin’ us drinks 
I’m undressing you inside my head 
Your skin’s on my skin but I still don’t know what you think 
What keeps happening between us wouldn’t happen between friends 

Eightball girl 
Tell me how you feel about me 
Shake it up 
Eightball girl 
Making up your mind without me 
It’s a yes or no or maybe but just please don’t make me guess
Do you love me? Is it hazy? Do the signs all point to yes? 
Eightball girl 
Tell me how you feel about me 

You like my hair in handfuls 
The tension’s hard to handle 
You like my hair in handfuls
The tension’s hard to handle 

Eightball girl 
Tell me how you feel about me 
Shake it up 
Eightball girl 
Making up your mind without me 
It’s a yes or no or maybe but just please don’t make me guess
Do you love me? Is it hazy? Do the signs all point to yes? 
Eightball girl 
Tell me how you feel about me